Innovative financing tools for development - From theory to practice

Past event

Global Europe
Innovative financing tools for development - From theory to practice


The Sustainable Development Goals require more than traditional development aid. Implementing Agenda 2030 will require about 2-3tn dollars, a sum which is much higher than funds available through Official Development Aid (ODA). Meeting the objectives of Agenda 2030 will depend on the creation and use of innovative financing tools, such as the EU’s new European External Investment Plan and the World Bank’s Global Financing Facility.

  • Which are the existing innovative financing tools, and will they be enough to plug the development financing gap?
  • Should innovative financing tools principally target national governments or act directly at the level of civil society and local government?
  • How can remittances be made more efficient in promoting development?

This dinner debate, limited to 30 senior participants, is organised by the Development Policy Forum led by Friends of Europe in partnership with the IFC on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. Building on its six decades of experience, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) partners with the private sector to create opportunity and promote inclusive growth in emerging markets. The dinner debate will be preceded by a Policy Insight debate on “Unlocking Private Sector Investment in Fragile States”.

IMAGE CREDIT: Bigstock – weerapat



Registration of participants for Policy Insight “Unlocking Private Sector Investment in Fragile States”
Policy Insight debate
Networking cocktail
Dinner debate Innovative financing tools for development - From theory to practice


Photo of Stefano Manservisi
Stefano Manservisi

Special Advisor to the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs and AVSI Board Member

Show more information on Stefano Manservisi

With over 30 years of experience in the European Commission, Stefano Manservisi has covered a wide range of topics. Prior to his current position, he served as European Commission Director-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) and Head of Cabinet for European Commission Vice-President Mogherini, former Commission President Prodi and former Commissioner Monti. He also acted as Director-General for Migration and Home Affairs (HOME) and was Head of the Delegation of the EU to Turkey. In the past, Manservisi has been a visiting professor at the College of Europe, University of Roma III and the University of Bologna.



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