Policy Voices | Far-right in Europe: How do we solve this?



Policy Voices | Far-right in Europe: How do we solve this?

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Policy Voices | Far-right in Europe: How do we solve this?

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The first Citizens Global Assembly took place around COP26 in Glasgow and it provided a true snapshot of what humanity looks like. It was co-initiated by Jamie Kelsey and kickstarted because of climate change but its potential goes beyond this single issue. By bringing people together from truly diverse backgrounds it can be a solution to the polarised world we live in today. That’s why host Catarina Vila Nova spoke to Jamie Kelsey, from the Citizens Global Assembly, for the third and last episode of this series on the rise of the far-right in Europe.

If you want to comment on this episode you can send us an e-mail. Our address is press@friendsofeurope.org.

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