Africa-EU Green Talks - High-Level EU-Africa Green Investment Forum, Lisbon

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Africa-EU Green Talks


The Africa Europe Foundation is partnering with a broad range of high-level partners, including the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the Africa Union Commission, the European Investment Bank, the African Development Bank, and the Africa-Europe Energy Partnership in a series of ‘Green Talks’ in the lead up to the EU-Africa High-Level Green Investment Forum to be held in Lisbon on the 23 April 2021.

The ‘Green Talks’ are aimed at sharing experiences, innovative approaches, and opportunities to mobilise capital and expertise to promote the Green Transition in Africa and in Europe.

Events and virtual meetings will take place across Africa and Europe, beginning on 24 March and culminating on 23 April, with the High-Level Green Investment Forum which will bring together African and European political leaders, policy makers and business representatives to discuss partnership and practical solutions to accelerate sustainable development, green investment and post pandemic recovery on both continents.

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High-Level EU-Africa Green Investment Forum, Lisbon
Expand High-Level EU-Africa Green Investment Forum, Lisbon

This high-level forum will bring leading government and business figures, international and development financial institutions, and academia together, and get the perspectives of both the public and private sectors on sustainable development and green investment in Africa.

Experiences, innovative approaches and opportunities to mobilise private and public capital towards the Green Transition in Africa will be shared, as well as showing how green and sustainable business models are profitable, create jobs and generate wealth while contributing to achieving the world’s climate objectives.

Topics covered will include: the role of the European Union and its Member States in curbing climate change across the world, with a focus on Africa; how international financial institutions are responding to this challenge through targeted, innovative instruments and enhanced outreach; and how private sector models are changing to become greener and more sustainable.

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