Debating Security Plus: From global to local

Past event

Peace, Security & Defence
Debating Security Plus: From global to local


Friends of Europe is delighted to be partnering with the WANA Institute for the local launch of the 2017 Debating Security Plus (DS+) report in Amman, Jordan.

DS+ is an unique global online brainstorm which gathers thousands of participants from the world of peace, security and defence—and beyond—to develop sustainable solutions to some of the biggest security problems facing the world today. Its report sets out 10 top recommendations addressing practical policy goals and shifts in security thinking, underpinned by a realistic roadmap for implementation.

The workshop will focus on the 6th recommendation of the DS+ report, which advises to “think small to prevent and counter radicalisation strategies”, and the 8th recommendation, which argues for the need to “develop proactive and coordinated responses to countering disinformation campaigns”, applying them to the Jordanian context.

The results of the workshop will be reflected in a policy paper on the challenges and opportunities of carrying out these two recommendations in Jordan.

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IMAGE: Andrew Moore/Flickr



Introducing the WANA Institute and the Debating Security Plus online brainstorm
Going local to prevent and counter violent extremism: Challenges and opportunities
Expand Going local to prevent and counter violent extremism: Challenges and opportunities
  • What are the challenges to implement community-focused efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism?
  • How can we support small-scale community-driven projects?
  • What are the challenges to successful social cohesion in local communities?
  • How does negative social cohesion in local communities impact on the drivers of radicalisation?
  • How does the recent emphasis on livelihood approaches within refugee response programmes impact social cohesion and risk factors related to radicalisation?
Coffee break
Narratives to prevent and counter violent extremism: Design and efficacy
Expand Narratives to prevent and counter violent extremism: Design and efficacy
  • What makes an effective alternative narrative?
  • How can existing small-scale initiatives to restrict hate speech online become a national campaign?
  • How can we best engage the private sector, including Internet and content providers, in promoting alternative narratives?
  • What role can government and especially local municipalities play?
  • What role can employers and the private sector in general play in promoting social cohesion and de-escalating conflicts between nationalities?


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