The post-EU elections roadmap: ensuring social justice and economic stability on the path to net-zero

Past event In Person & Livestreamed

Climate, Energy & Natural Resources
Friends of Europe A whole-of-society approach to the clean energy transition 2024

What happened?

The transition to a carbon-neutral economy is a major technological challenge but it will also require decisive political and social transformations.

The integration of perspectives from different stakeholders, such as corporate executives, tech leaders and civil society organisations, and across disciplines can have a significant impact on shifting investments away from fossil fuels and towards green innovation.

As data from the International Energy Agency (IEA) shows, the European energy sector already underwent critical transformations in the last few years, drastically reducing its dependency on Russia and, for the first time, producing more electricity from wind than gas in 2023, signalling record-breaking power generation from renewable sources.

These transformations came however with several complications for European citizens, creating spiralling adverse effects that led to energy poverty affecting 41 million people in the EU. The recent Debating Europe report ‘2024 Voices – Citizens Speak Up!’ has shown that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has directly affected the lives of citizens, especially young people, across Europe. Due to increasing energy prices, European citizens struggled to heat their homes during the winter. Ensuring affordability and accessibility going forward will be crucial to maintaining competitiveness while preventing social inequality from widening as the energy landscape changes.

With a new outlook for the energy landscape and possible shifting political priorities after the European elections, this Policy Insight offered a platform to discuss the pathways of the new European mandate.

This Policy Insight is part of the SSH CENTRE (Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy and Transport Research Excellence) project.

This project, supported by 13 leading organisations from across Europe, engages directly with stakeholders including researchers, policymakers, business representatives as well as civil society and citizens to strengthen social innovation, SSH-STEM collaboration and transdisciplinary policy advice, to accelerate the EU’s transition to carbon neutrality.

This event took place in Brussels and was available to a wider audience via live stream. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram, and join the #SSHCENTRE conversation!

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PHOTO CREDIT: Pavlo Glazkov/Shutterstock



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Questions to be addressed in the debate include:

  • How can governments and the EU help make clean technologies more accessible to all and scale up investments to reach the net-zero emission targets?
  • What benefits and momentum can cross-stakeholder and multidisciplinary synergies bring to the energy landscape?
  • How can the EU focus on measures that reduce the financial burden on low-income households and invest in infrastructure that supports renewable energy adoption across all sectors?
  • How does multi-level governance work in practice for the clean energy transition goals in urban areas and what is the role of ‘Energy Communities’ in this process?


Dharmendra Kanani
Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

Show more information on Dharmendra Kanani

Prior to joining Friends of Europe, Dharmendra Kanani was director of policy at the European Foundation Centre (EFC). He was the England director at the Big Lottery Fund, the largest independent funder in the UK and fourth largest in the world. Dharmendra has held senior positions in the public and voluntary sectors and advisor to numerous ministerial policy initiatives across the UK.

Ruth Mourik
Ruth Mourik

Researcher and CEO at Duneworks

Show more information on Ruth Mourik

Ruth Mourik is a transition worker with over 25 years of experience, specialising in energy and circular transitions. Her work focuses on social issues such as end-user participation, poverty, gender diversity, and policy advice, and she collaborates with organisations such as the European Commission and the International Energy Agency. Mourik founded DuneWorks, a research organisation dedicated to sustainable transitions. She previously worked at Maastricht University, Eindhoven Technical University and the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN).

Stephan Petermann
Stephan Petermann

Architect and Founder of MANN

Show more information on Stephan Petermann

Building on an extensive background in architecture and history, Stephan Petermann has established himself as a prominent figure in Europe’s arts & culture scene. He has written for the architecture magazine VOLUME and was previously a member of the EU Reflection Group, a ‘wise men’ council established to stimulate thinking around the future of the European Union. Petermann’s most recent artistic endeavour saw him participate in a collaborative project between the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Chinese Academy for Fine Arts.

Photo of Andris Piebalgs
Andris Piebalgs

Senior Fellow at the Florence School of Regulation, former European commissioner for development and energy, and Trustee of Friends of Europe

Show more information on Andris Piebalgs

Andris Piebalgs is an experienced Latvian politician who occupied key positions at both the national and European levels. He is currently a member of the Latvian political party UNITY. Previously, he worked in the Latvian diplomatic service, first serving as the Latvian ambassador to Estonia, where he helped resolve a sea border issue between the two states. He went on to become the Latvian ambassador to the EU, in which role he helped establish Latvia as the EU candidate country. Afterwards, Piebalgs served as the European commissioner for energy and then as the European commissioner for development.

Paula Pinho
Paula Pinho

Director, Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Security, Efficiency and Innovation at the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER)

Show more information on Paula Pinho

Paula Pinho is responsible for energy policy coordination and notably for strategy, planning and legal questions at the European Commission. Previously, she served as a member of cabinet for Günther Oettinger, both in his capacity as EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society and during his mandate as EU Commissioner for Energy. Recently, Pinho coordinated the preparation and adoption of the ‘Clean Energy for all Europeans’ package and represented the Commission in the negotiations of the Proposal for a Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union. In her current role, Paula is overseeing the coordination of the assessment of the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs).

Anders Storgaard
Anders Storgaard

Member of the Frederiksberg City Council and 2024 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Show more information on Anders Storgaard

Anders Storgaard is a Member of the Frederiksberg City Council. A social conservative, he aims to make his municipality Denmark’s greenest through sustainable wood construction, CO2 tax and green urban development and infrastructure policies. Storgaard is also a consultant for renewable energy at Green Power Denmark and a radio host on the talk radio channel, 24syv. He contributed to the push for Denmark to drop an eighth bidding round for North Sea oil and increase CO2 taxes, while serving as the national chairperson of Conservative Youth, a Danish political organisation.   



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