Digital Single Market: creating the framework to digitise European industry

Past event

Digital & Data Governance
Digital Single Market Creating The Framework To Digitise European Industry


Heads of state recently reiterated the importance of sustaining effort in refocusing and reinvigorating the European Union’s industrial policy in order to better contend with international stakeholders. In its conclusion from the 21-22 March Summit, the Council called on the European Commission to draft strategies to strengthen and deepen the single market, industrial policy and digital policy.

In light of this, Friends of Europe is offering its members a series of exclusive, off the record, roundtable debates with key policymakers, hence providing an opportunity to directly share their insights and expertise. The product of these roundtable exchanges will be a series of recommendations which will be shared with the new EU mandate in the aim to better shape the EU’s future industrial strategy in accordance with the needs of the different stakeholders.

Our ‘What the Chiefs Say’ discussions are an opportunity to engage in an exclusive, closed door discussion with a selected group of senior representatives from industry, civil society and diplomacy. These 60-minute discussions include a one-on-one exchange with the moderator, followed by an off-the-record question and answer session with our members.

PHOTO CREDIT: Ethen Rera – Flickr



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Recent studies have estimated that the digitisation of products and services has the possibility of adding €110 billion of annual revenue to the European economy in the next five years. To make the most out of this optimistic forecast and to build on President Juncker’s personal ambition to ensure the realisation of a well-established European Digital Single Market before the end of his mandate in October 2019, the Digitising European Industry initiative has seen over €50 billion worth of public and private capital made available since 2016.

Due to the pace of the development of new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), both governance and the industry find it hard to keep up. As a result, Europe is faced with large disparities in digitisation between its regions and competition in high-tech sectors from other parts of the world. In addition, many traditional sectors and SMEs are still lagging behind. With Council leaders eager to see the development of a competitive, world-class, digital economy, industry experts have pointed to a need to focus policymakers’ agenda and to make to most of the realities of industry contributions.

  • How much progress has been made towards the digitisation of EU firms and what still needs to be done to maximise the EU’s digital potential in industry?
  • How can the continuity of Digital Single Market development be ensured during the transition of one mandate to the next?
  • What measures are being implemented to enhance the EU’s role in the global market with regard to Big Data?


Lucilla Sioli

Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry at the European Commission Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology


Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

End of debate


Lucilla Sioli
Lucilla Sioli

Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry at the European Commission Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology

Show more information on Lucilla Sioli

With regard to her role within the Communications Networks, Content and Technology Directorate, she is responsible for coordinating the European digitisation of industry strategy which includes ensuring that digital innovations are best served by enabling industries to compete on a global scale. She also oversees the development of Europe’s R&D in digital technologies, such as photonics, robotics, AI, microelectronics and embedded software. A civil servant for the European Commission since 1997, she was previously Head of Unit for Digital Economy and Skills.


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